Daily Archives: February 10, 2014

Once Thin Lines

Once Thin Lines

You were once a creature in my garden
You wandered around and made your home
As our bond did ever harden
But then you started to fade and roam

I once held you in my highest esteem
You were the best of friends I ever had
Perhaps my words seem a little mean
But something in your soul turned bad

Now you stand before me, dark
Something vile and scarred with hate
I’m not sure what left this mark
But I fear I might just be too late

You lost your love and lost your light
I’m not sure when, but you didn’t fight
I wouldn’t pretend to know wrong from right
But you traded my care for fleeting might

Don’t call me now or ever again
It is too hard to mourn my lost friend
Leave me alone with paper and pen
And I’ll write of this, our friendship’s end

I’d say goodbye, but you wouldn’t care
Your once warm eyes with a malevolent stare
I put my life, my world, into our unlikely pair
You stripped my emotions and left me bare.

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